Yesterday was one of those days where all the little things were a bit off. I woke up feeling discontented and uneasy. What I thought would be an easy shopping expedition proved fruitless. One of our bikes blew a tire, necessitating a long walk on what may have been the hottest day of the year and resulting in seriously sore feet. Doing laundry was needlessly complicated and involved way too much to-ing and fro-ing.
It was a day filled with small complaints that made it easy to forget that two major things went right: we successfully registered ourselves in Munich and got some very good news from Vancouver.
The Anmeldung process was even easier the second time around (and our first ‘permanent’ address registration was pretty simple), although the system is a little different in Munich than in the rest of Germany. No questions at all from the government clerk, just a few words exchanged in German and an official stamp. The hardest part was the over-heated 45 minute wait and managing that nervous feeling that something would go wrong.
Then later in the day, very good news came from my parents that made me feel like my decision to return to Germany earlier this week was the right one.
With all of my small complaints, it was easy for me to feel as though yesterday was a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day… but it wasn’t. It was a great day.
That’s the joy of perspective. Looking close up at all the little things, I was unhappy. Looking at the big picture, I was exactly the opposite.
Laura–I totally get the idea behind your post. I’m sometimes quite a pessimistic person and can stew on negative experiences for quite a while. Definitely not healthy or productive. I continually need to remind myself the little things go and focus on the big picture or other perspectives. Thanks for the reminder!
I know what you mean about stewing, Helen! I hope your current perspective is a happy one 🙂
Glad to hear that you got good news from Vancouver! Tons o’ Hugs!
Happy that you are not sweating the small things, as they say “life is not a destination, it’s the journey.” and so, it’s what you make it. Kudos to you!
Kudos to you, too, Leigh! You seem pretty good at not sweating the small stuff 😉